Commencement exercises are held once a year at the School of Law at the end of the Spring Semester. Although Juris Doctor degrees are conferred three times per year at the conclusion of the Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters, graduating students of any semester are welcome to participate in the main campus commencement exercises.
Commencement will take place on Saturday, May 17, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. in the grassy back patio area of the law school.
Graduates and their guests may also choose to attend the Main Campus Graduate Commencement Ceremony, which will take place at 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 16, 2025 in the University Arena (aka the Pit). Attendance at this ceremony is optional. For more information visit
Information for Students
Caps and Gowns
Caps (please note we are no longer using the square mortar board hats and have switched to tams going forward), gowns, and hoods, required dress at graduation, may be purchased through the Medical-Legal bookstore beginning in mid-March. For more information, including cost, go to the Med/Legal webpage at Caps, Gowns & Announcements. The SBA has a limited number of tams and gowns available to loan. Information about the opportunity to borrow caps and gowns will be provided to you by SBA officers.
Honor cords for magna cum laude, summa cum laude and cum laude are not worn at UNM School of Law because honors are based on all grades, including those for spring of the graduating year which do not become available until after graduation.
Your diploma will be mailed to the address currently on file for you with UNM. Be sure your name and address in the my.UNM system is accurate.
Enter your name as you wish it to appear on your diploma. Law diplomas are mailed mid-to-late September.
Enter your name as you wish it to appear on your diploma. It is customary to use your full legal name. A married person may use their maiden surname, married surname, or both. Law diplomas are mailed mid-to-late September.
Official name change requests must be made through the Office of Records and Registration on the main campus before the end of the semester of graduation. You will also need to notify the law school registrar of any changes. You will find the form and the documentation requirements at:
Commencement Program
The Law School produces a printed Commencement Program Brochure. The brochure is printed in two sections:
- The first section lists each graduate alphabetically by semester of graduation and includes all degree information.
- The second section allows you to acknowledge persons who have encouraged and supported you during the past three years.
- Please submit your information via the Program Form (The fourth tab on this page).
- In order to meet the printer’s deadline, we must have the program information no later than APRIL 18, 2025.
Sample Acknowledgement
I want to first thank my parents for being my inspiration to attend law school. Thanks to the friends, fellow students, professors, and staff members who made these past three years a little easier and a lot more fun. Lastly, I would like to thank my husband and my kids for their love and support.
A professional photographer takes the faculty-graduates group photo and a photograph of each of you as you are hooded. Proofs are mailed to home addresses. If you wish to receive your proofs, you must provide us with a mailing address and non-law school e-mail address that will be good through the summer months. This information should be included on the Program Form and submitted no later than April 18, 2025.
Family members are welcome to take photos but are asked to please refrain from blocking the view of audience members and professional photographers.
Seating is open and no tickets are required. There will be enough chairs to accommodate as many of your family and friends as you would care to invite. While your commencement is a significant achievement the School of Law commencement ceremony has a tradition of being an environment where families with children are welcome.
Special Accommodations
Please let us know if you or any of your guests require special assistance or accommodations at commencement. We need to know if anyone requires a sign language interpreter or if your guests will be using wheelchairs. Please send that information via e-mail to Bonnie Stepleton.
Honors and Awards Reception
The Honors and Awards ceremony along with the SBA Woody Awards will take place on the North Lawn of the Law School on Friday, May 16, 2025. Awards presentations begin at 2:00pm. All students and their guests are welcome. There is open seating and no cost to attend. Reservations are not required.
Saturday, May 17, 2025
12:00 Graduates assemble in Room 2401 by 12:00. Please be on time. Have your academic costumes with you but not on. The outfit you are wearing when you arrive is what will appear in the group photo which will hang in the Law Library.
12:15 Faculty and graduates move to the patio area for a group photo, taken without caps and gowns. Photos are also taken of each graduate during the hooding ceremony.
12:30 Graduates move back to 2401 to put on caps and gowns and for last minute instructions.
Because the temperature tends to be a little warm by mid-May and you will be wearing black robes, we suggest you wear something fairly light underneath. Graduates are asked to be especially careful in selecting their shoes for the occasion because you will be walking across the grass.
In room 2401 you will find a name card with your full name printed on it. You will carry your hood and your name card with you in the processional. The processional of students is led by the SBA President followed by graduates. You may walk with and sit with whomever you choose.
1:00 Faculty and graduates march out to the north patio area. All graduates and faculty participating in the ceremony must wear academic costumes.
When it is time for the hooding to begin, the SBA President will take their position with the faculty hooders. As you move to the “stage” you will first hand your name card to the faculty member who is reading names. You will proceed to shake hands with the SBA President, then hand your hood to whichever faculty member is available, then to shake hands with the Deans and have your photo taken before returning to your seat.
There will be staff directing the process and it is important to follow their direction to ensure that the ceremony moves smoothly and that photographers are able to capture each graduate as they are hooded and as they shake hands with the Dean.
If you have any questions, please see Student Services staff, room 2502, or email Bonnie Stepleton.