Bike Locker

Terms and Conditions

Disclaimer: The Law School is not responsible for any damage, theft, loss of property, or personal injury resulting from a person electing to use the bike rack enclosure.

For Assistance:

  • call 911 in any emergency - calls from personal cell phones may go to Albuquerque Police Department and then get routed to UNM Police Department; help will be sent immediately. Campus police are available 24/7.
  • Press the emergency Call button on the tall blue emergency call box located near the east side of the American Indian Law Center in the north parking lot.
  • call 277-2241 (UNM Police Non-Emergency) to report any problems related to the enclosure (broken lock or cut fencing, etc.)
  • Each student is encouraged to enroll in the "UNM LoboAlerts" text messaging system that provides UNM students, faculty and staff with fast, convenient, real-time message alerts for safety and weather. Students can receive alerts via: Mobile Phone (via text messaging), Web Page, Email, Text Pager, Google, AOL or My Yahoo Page. Register for "UNM LoboAlerts" at:
  • Students are encouraged to use the UNM Security Escort Service (277-2241) or to travel in groups if they are on campus in the evenings. More information regarding UNM Security Escort Service is available at