Email Policies

The law school relies heavily on email communications. While email can be an effective communication method, the Administration is sensitive to the burden of excessive email and provides these guidelines for email distribution list usage.

All email communication is governed by UNM Business Policies and Procedures governing electronic management systems. Specifically, Policy 2520, Computer Use Guidelines, provides examples of prohibited communications:

  • chain letters, pyramid schemes, and unauthorized mass mailings;
  • fraudulent, threatening, defamatory, obscene, harassing, or illegal materials;
  • non-work or non-class related information sent to an individual who requests the information not be sent;
  • copyright law violation; and
  • commercial or personal advertisements, solicitations, promotions, destructive programs, or any other unauthorized use.

Policy 2500 provides general guidelines on Acceptable Computer Use. The Assistant Dean for Information Technology is responsible for monitoring email use. If an email violates UNM policy for electronic communications, the sender will be notified of the infraction. If the infraction continues, the law school Dean will be notified. Additional penalties may be imposed including locking the law school computer account. The law school will provide violators with a copy of UNM’s Acceptable Computer Use policy in either electronic or hard copy form. Certain locking violations could also result in disciplinary action by the University or in criminal prosecution.

The law school has multiple email distribution lists and listservs. Some of these lists are required membership and some are optional. All email list (optional and required) use must follow UNM Policies 2500 & 2510.