
Section I. Sabbatical Leave Form

A completed, "Request for Sabbatical Leave Form" signed by the Department Chair.

Section II. Explanation of Financial Reimbursement if requesting additional compensation.

A detailed plan stating the source(s) of funding, the beginning and end dates, and the expected amount from the source. Indicate the index number(s) if available. If multiple sources will contribute, list this information for each source.

Section III. Sabbatical Leave Plan

A detailed description of the sabbatical plan, written by the requesting faculty, following the guidelines in the Faculty Handbook, policy C200, pp. 1 through 4, in particular #1, #2, #5, and #8.

Section IV. Department Chair's Memo

A memo from the Department Chair which conveys the department committee's evaluation (if appropriate) and the Chair's recommendation. The Chair's memo should outline the plan for the coverage of teaching duties during the faculty member's absence.

Section V. Scholarly Outcome and Achievements

A detailed description of the expected scholarly outcomes and achievements of this sabbatical leave. Indicate how the achievements of the sabbatical will translate into professional growth and scholarly activity. Outline your plans for disseminating the accompLishments of your leave in appropriate outlets and your plans for presentations at national and/or international professional meetings.

Section IV. Previous Five Year Workload Report

Report for five years proceeding the period of request.

Section VII. Letter of Invitation/Confirmation (if applicable)

A letter of invitation/confirmation from the person or institution with whom the faculty
member will be working (if appropriate to the sathatical plan).

Section VIII. Current Curriculum Vitae

The faculty member's current curriculum vitae.

Any sabbatical leave request submitted which is not in the above format will be returned to the department for correction.