Law School Group IT Equipment Use

Equipment should be requested at the time a room is reserved by use of the Media Services Equipment Request forms. There is no charge for Law School students, faculty and staff to use IT equipment during their events.

Outside Group IT Equipment Use

The Law School permits outside groups and organizations to schedule a limited number of its classrooms and meeting spaces for meetings and events, provided such usage does not interfere with the Law School’s educational mission. Per University Policy, this privilege is extended only to non-profit groups.* The Law School does not charge outside groups for use of its rooms; however, it does charge for use of IT equipment and technical support by Law School personnel.

An outside group that connects to the Internet via the Law School’s data ports, or uses any part of its equipment including projectors, screens, computers, speakers, microphones, or any other type of audio-visual equipment, will be charged the following fees for these services. Classroom internet access and equipment is available only as a package; a la carte rates are not available. Groups will be invoiced for IT fees shortly after an event and prompt payment is expected. In some cases, prepayment may be required. Payment may also be made via credit card.

Equipment should be requested at the time a room is reserved by use of the Special Events/Production Services Request Form. Please provide contact and billing information to Media Services at the time reservation is made.

Groups using law school space may not bring in IT equipment to use in lieu of law school equipment—unhooking law school equipment from ports to accommodate outside equipment increases risk of damage to law school connectors and ports, and greatly increases the likelihood of disruption of the teaching environment due to law school equipment not being properly reconnected.

Classroom EventNon-Profit RateFor-Profit Rate*
Classroom, basic set up, ½ day (event concludes by 5 pm)$50.00$100.00
Classroom, basic set up, full day (event concludes by 5 pm)$100.00$200.00
Classroom, basic set up, evening
(added to above charges if event goes past 5 pm)
Tech Support (optional)$25/hr.$50/hr.
Other Events
Call for Quote
Other ServicesNon-Profit RateFor-Profit Rate
Additional copies: DVDs$5 each$10.00 each

*The Dean’s Office permits approved bar review companies to use law school classrooms to conduct bar review courses for the convenience of law students. For-profit companies are otherwise prohibited from use of law school facilities per University policy. Use of classrooms and IT equipment by bar review courses is coordinated by the Student Services office. The Student Services Office must authorize any bar review course before scheduling can occur.

Effective January 1, 2010