Computer Use Policies

The Law School Departmental Computer Use Policies

All users are expected to read and abide by the policies linked above.

UNM Acceptable Computer Use Policy #2500

Use your Law School network account judiciously

  • Don’t use another person's account.
  • Don’t give another person access to your account. Giving your password to anyone poses a security breach for the entire network.
  • Refer anyone who needs a network account to do law school work to IT personnel so they can obtain an authorized account.
  • If you need to share computer documents with others, consult IT personnel to learn the various methods to do this.

Be considerate of others

  • Don’t display or distribute offensive material through email, the web, wallpaper, etc.
  • Don't harass or intentionally annoy others.
  • Respect the privacy of others.
  • Be patient, courteous, and respectful when dealing with IT Department personnel and other law school staff who are trying to help you and everyone else in our community gain access to the computer resources you need.
  • The Law Library is a study area; no conversations or cell phones are allowed. The student computer workstation area is not an appropriate area for collaboration.
  • Help others by sharing your computer skills and knowledge.

Accept responsibility for keeping the Law School computer systems clean and functional

  • Don’t modify any computer’s setup.
  • Don't install software on any law school computer.  Putting software you purchased on law school computers constitutes a license agreement violation because it then becomes available to multiple users; installing free software may adversely affect the computer's ability to properly function on the network.
  • If you are connecting to the law school via a laptop you must have up-to-date antivirus software installed.
  • Inform IT personnel if you believe there is a need for some specific software that the law school doesn’t currently include in the law student computer workstation image.
  • Always leave a tidy work area for others to use.

Use only those things that either belong to you or that you have agreed to share with others

  • Don't steal computer equipment.
  • Don’t copy software that you didn't purchase.
  • Do not remove the UNM inventory tag or otherwise deface equipment.
  • Don't use law school computer resources for any unauthorized commercial purpose, including using your academic Westlaw or Lexis account to do research for employers.
  • Don’t violate copyrights or trademarks, and do not plagiarize.

Show respect for your environment, and conserve limited resources

  • Avoid wasteful computer practices:
    • Print only penultimate and final drafts of documents.
    • Print only single copies of documents or files.
    • Print from Lexis, Westlaw, and the Internet only those files you absolutely need.
    • Pick up print jobs promptly.
    • Print double-sided (duplex) whenever practical.
  • Be careful not to damage computer equipment, furniture or furnishings. Don’t bring food or drink into the computer workstation area other than water in sealed, clear containers