Facilities & Hours

Student Workstations, Scanners and Training Facilities

Computers, printers, and scanners are available for law student use on the upper floor of the Hart Wing and in the Library Computer Lab.


The Library Computer Lab is open to law students 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except when being used for training sessions. While training sessions are in progress, signs will be posted on the door redirecting students to the computers and printers in the Hart Wing.

Rules and Etiquette Governing Use of Student Computer Workstations

  • Must be a student at UNM Law School.
  • If you leave a PC for a restroom or water break leave a note on the PC. Do not leave for longer than five minutes.
  • When finished with a PC, you must logout.
  • Please keep noise to a minimum.
  • Students may not load or remove software from any PC. If you have special software needs please see IT personnel. Students may not change the settings on the PCs.
  • Please recycle - do not throw trash into the recycle bins nor paper into the trash cans.

If you need assistance please call the IT Department at 277-8656 or write to HelpDesk (helpdesk@law.unm.edu).