Continuous Appointment Forms Recognized by Law Faculty

Legal Writing Faculty

05-09-06 Faculty Meeting Minutes–

The dean is authorized to:

  • pursue possibility of legal writing faculty qualifying for long-term contracts,
  • direct the Faculty Affairs committee to draft policy supporting long term contracts to be presented to faculty in fall,
  • and create advertising for legal writing faculty which will include possible

Library Faculty

In 1975, the Law School and the Academic Vice President of the university approved a policy establishing a Law Library faculty within the Law School, and providing that “[a]ll professional librarians employed in the School of Law Library shall have faculty status within the University and shall be governed by the Faculty Handbook of the University subject to special rules adopted in this statement of policy.” Further, the Library Director “shall serve as the chairperson of the Law Library faculty,” and “[a]ll policies and powers made and exercised by the chief librarian or by members of the library staff are to be made with the express or implied approval of the Law School faculty.” Finally, while the Library Director will be a member of the law school faculty, "[o]ther professionals in the Library will not be members of the School of Law faculty unless specifically given such status by action of the Law faculty and appropriate University officials."