From: Washburn, Kevin Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 5:04 PM To: Faculty Subject: Professorships/Awards for 2009-10 Colleagues – I wish to announce the professorships for this academic year. In my eyes, every tenured member of this faculty is worthy of a permanent chair, and Hannah and I will be working toward that end on the development front. However, since I was not here last year, and since our one- and two- year professorships are intended at least partially to reward outstanding recent performance, I asked Barbara Bergman, Mike Norwood, and Leo Romero to meet as a committee to guide me on this year’s awards. I did make one decision solely on my own: that the second year of the two-year Dickason Professorship vacated by Norm Bay would go to Leo Romero. Leo worked very hard, particularly with outside constituents, to insure that my transition here would be smooth, and he kept up a robust scholarly portfolio all the while serving as interim dean last year. I am grateful to Leo for each of these things, and for continuing to serve all of you by continuing to help guide me. In light of fluctuations in the market values of the endowments that support our professorships, the value of professorships may yet be adjusted slightly, but I want to go ahead and announce them. Thank you for your patience. The open professorships/awards will be assigned as follows: For her excellent and committed work in the clinic, April Land will be a Dickason Professor for 2009- 2011. In addition, April will be serving in the clinic for an entire calendar year which began in August. We appreciate her dedication. For her past scholarly, teaching and service record and for taking on the very difficult institutional role of appointments chair, all while keeping up a full teaching and scholarly portfolio, Elizabeth Rapaport will also serve as a Dickason Professor for 2009-2011. For her energetic scholarship and teaching and enthusiastic institutional leadership, Nathalie Martin will be awarded the Keleher & McLeod Professor for 2009-2011. For her steady work in scholarship and teaching and for her quiet leadership in the clinic, we will award the Regents’ Professorship for 2009-2010 to Carol Suzuki. For his impressive recent scholarly work which is garnering him significant national attention, we will award the Regents’ Lectureship for 2009-2010 to Erik Gerding. For his leadership and hard work on the NRJ and his rapid integration with the natural resources faculty, we have decided to recognize our newest tenured colleague Reed Benson with the Friedman Award. Finally, we are awarding Antoinette Sedillo Lopez the Alumni Association Award. We thank Antoinette again for her long and steadfast leadership in the clinic and her continuing leadership role in the clinic, here at the School of Law, and in the broader community. Please join me in congratulating these outstanding colleagues for their hard work and these awards. Kevin K. Washburn Dean & Professor of Law University of New Mexico School of Law 1117 Stanford NE MSC11 6070 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 PH: 505.277.4700 FAX: 505.277.1597 Web profile: Papers: